Monday, March 7, 2011

Medieval Time Cluture

Medieval CultureIn the feudal system society was organized as a pyramid of sorts. The clergy and nobles were at the top, with a great many peasants at the bottom. Peasants worked on the land and lived in rough huts, which they often shared with their animals. They slept on straw mattresses on the floor. In the middle were the scientists, merchants, craftsmen and yeoman farmers.
Dante, crowned with poet's laurel, opens his Divine Comedy
as souls struggle heavenward through Purgatory.
I5th-century fresco in the city's cathedral; Scala. Domenico di Michelino
The Middle Ages also gave much to later generations. Great cathedrals were built and universities were started. Latin was the language used by most scholars. Painting and literature developed.
Thomas Aquinas believed that both reason and Christian teaching came from God. Therefore, both reason and faith came from the same teaching.
Code of Chivalry
King Arthur and his knights became the highest symbols of courage, faith, and chivalry.
The Troubadours
The Troubadours were noble poet-musicians who pledged to serve their ladies as loyally as they would their lords.
Attitudes towards women changed. Now, women were treated with respect. But, women were seen as helpless, beautiful, and pure - unrealistic.
Medieval science was limited because science was not just reason and observation. Scientific theories continued to be mixed with superstition and legend. Most medieval scientists practiced the mysteries of alchemy (trying to turn lead into gold).
Merchants bought and sold goods such as furs and wool. Some became very wealthy and started the first banks. Merchants and craftsmen formed powerful associations called guilds. They sold their goods at fairs where people gathered to trade and to have fun.

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